We would like to inform that from Aug.01..... to Dec. 31, 2017, we are having a promotion period on our CTEC 300W/300U Industrial Chainstitch Sewing Machines for heavy-duty!!

Especially for our CT300UB5 tape edge sewing head for mattress, we will have promotional prices for our customers! Please ask for more details!

In addition, we would also like to announce that we currently have improved the height for foot lifting of our CT300UB5 from 11~12mm to currently, 15~16mm!! This will help to sew thicker mattress!!

For details, please e-mail to: ctetommy@ms15.hinet.net

For updated information on our CT300UB5 brochures, please see below:

For Hi-Quality Parts on all kinds of Textile Machine supplies - please visit our another websitewww.northriver.com.tw



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